Saturday, October 31, 2009

Microinsurace Conference in Dakar

I am traveling to microinsurance conference in Dakar.

I looked at the list of attendees and I am looking forward to meeting a lot of the other people, whose work I've seen, but never met.

Hope to get some new ideas, and make some new contacts to further help in the development of a product that helps deal with agricultural risk in Africa. With climate change this is becoming a huge issue, and each day the research shows more and more the effects of climate change on Africa.

We have completed the first phase of analysis. The correlations with rainfall and crop yield in northern Ghana were not as strong as I was expecting but we used data from last 15 years which is the most variable time period. However, the reality is that that time period might reflect better the next 15 years as opposed to data over the past 50 years, which other correlation studies in other countries use.

Anyway, thanks to Mukthar Mahdi, Genevieve Amamoo, and Alsliddin Odilov for all their hard work over the past few fews on the analysis.

For the other team members on the project, I will keep you posted on the contacts I make and info. I learn from the conference.


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